Room 215
JoinedPosts by Room 215
The Watchtower says: The Septuagint became God's Word
by opusdei1972 inthe last edition of the watchtower (study edition) says the following:.
alexander the great later conquered much of the ancient world, and common, or koine, greek became an international language.
so, in this verse the septuagint was not god's word according to matthew.
Room 215
In this, the Watchtower agrees with the Eastern Orthodox Church, which has always regarded the Septuagint as inspired. -
The "mis-truths" said by brothers during the Royal Commission.
by stuckinarut2 inmy sister said she heard several "mis truths" or dare we say, "lies" said by the brothers on the stand during the royal commission.. 1) vin toole lied when asked about the expression "theocratic warfare".
he said he was unaware of the term.
2) terry obrien lied when asked whether witnesses are free to research the organisation or free to leave without any negative consequences.. 3) geoff jackson lied when he said that the organisation doesn't run a 'police state' and doesn't criticise those who want to leave.
Room 215
Terrence O Brien was also called out for lying when, in his bid to dissuade the RC from ordering Geoff Jackson to appear, he downplayed GJ's role in co-running the organization, by suggesting he was mainly involved in translation. -
What were you favorite book in the organization? I know what you're thinking...LOL!
by BashfulAshG inwhat were *your favorite *books in the organization?.
out of all of those books, i liked "mankind's search for god.
" however, it appears to me that this book is incredibly obscure and no one recalls studying it during the old book study format.
Room 215
Choosing the Best Way of Life (1979) was my favorite; it's sad to consider just how much the quality of their literature has deteriorated since then. I believe the book, along with the Commentary on James was another of those written by the liberal camp, led by Franz, Dunlap and Lengtat, which led into the 1980 Bethel witch hunt.
best ex JW sites
by cobweb ini used to visit this site about ten years ago.
i haven't come her in a long time.
i have just recently started talking to a family member who is leaving the jws and i wanted to know what are the best sites available these days for finding out all the topics of information - failed prophecy, 1975, rutherford's drinking, russells tombstone - you know all of that kind of stuff.. back in the day there used to be a site run by a norwegian i think called kent.
Room 215
Although technically not an ex-JW site (he has never been a JW), Doug Mason's site is outstanding: -
Article- Child checks for all religious leaders, inquiry recommends
by AndersonsInfo in
by: rick morton .
from: the australian .
Room 215
It seemed to me that during his testimony, Jackson broadly hinted of his tacit approval if the government would moot the issue by ordering mandatory reporting. -
Jehovah’s Witnesses face child sexual-abuse investigation in Australia - Washington Post article
by defender of truth inof the religious and nonreligious groups being investigated, the jehovahs witnesses are exceptional, experts say.. in a converted office in downtown sydney, the organizations doctrines and practices are being parsed by lawyers, victims and journalists, providing rare insight into one of the christian worlds most conservative churches.. .
the church, which was founded in pennsylvania during the 1870s to promote a 1st-century interpretation of the bible, has emerged as the least able or willing to deal with sexual abuse within its ranks, said anne cossins, an associate law professor at the university of new south wales and an expert in sex crimes who is a consultant for the inquiry.. .
i find their approach to the issue and victims extraordinarily bizarre almost medieval, she said in an interview.. .
Room 215
Why in the world hasn't the New York Times hasn't covered this issue? -
Transcript for Jackson is now available for download.
by ToesUp in,-july-2015,-sydney.
select aug 14..
All The Highlights From The Royal Commission Collected
by C0ntr013r ina thread on reddit has been made (not by me) to collect and organize all the highlights from the rc:.
reddit master thread.
a lot of the highlights have been added but many gold nuggets are still missing.
Room 215
Thanks for all of the above; invaluable, historic documentation... where is that brilliant 9-minute youtube collation of highlights, salient exchanges? -
NU LIGHT JWs not only spokespersons for GAWD so says Governing Body Jackson
by Watchtower-Free in .
Room 215
What's the exact quote? It's a bit muddled... something like "it would be presumptuous" to make such a claim? -
What is true love video
by _Morpheus inso i got coerced into watching this crap last night.
a few observations:.
1) it personified the witness mantra that doing more for the org = happiness, doing not enough = misery.
Room 215
.. Nice, so now it's theocratic soap operas; what's next? Sophia and Caleb action figures? Freddie and Big Daddy Knorr must be spinning in their graves!